
COSPLAY - 13 - Kidagakash

This costume was made.. Quickly...
My most beloved cosplay girls from Denmark did an amazing skit at SVS-con 2012 in Denmark, where they were twisted princesses. I was not able to join them due to the final prom at my school... I helped a small bit with their choreography, and decided that I wanted to be a little part (though I wasn't) of their group when we attended Connichi in Germany 2012. I've always wanted to make Kida from Atlantis, and found this version even more stunning and creepy, in the good way! I wish I haven't been so confident in my body, since I truly regretted making it once I wore it... I hope to get in shape in 2013, and maybe get some proper photos there.. :)
The costume took me one day to make.

 Photo by Calssara

 Photo by Calssara                                                      Photo by Calssara


Ann said...

Okay fuck det er nice lavet!!

Kami Renee said...

You look so ngh though!

Musti said...

do you have any tips to make the top and the skirt and how did you do that? Because i want to make the costume too, only the version where she isn't possessedlike.

This is one of the best versions i saw on the internet.

Thank you

Musti said...


Do you have tips to make the top and the skirt and how did you do it? i want to make the non possessed version for a convention but i don't have any experience with sewing or stuff

this is one of the best versions i saw on the internet

Lilly said...

Hi Musti!
Next time please leave an e-mail adress, so I'll make sure you get the answer. :) And sorry for not seeing your comments, I've been struggling with a lot of spam, so they kinda disappeared. :S

The whole costume was actually pretty easy to work out, though the small amount of fabric made it difficult to FIT right X) The lesser the clothes, the harder it is to make it suit your body, and for the tops sake - make sure it will stay there. XP

I drew the skirt pattern right on to the fabric. It was basically just a triangle I gave "round" sides. I think I got some progress pictures somewhere that I can send to your e-mail?

I remade the top a lot of time, due to the difficulty in making it fit - and sit. XP I used wadding in it to make it look - better. (;

If you don't have any experience with sewing, I would recommend that you find some videos on youtube or ask a good friend, since I know I would never be able to give you a good enough explanation in text. :)

But please write to my e-mail, lillykitsune@gmail.com if you want some close-up pictures of the costume etc.
